If you are registering a domain elsewhere and wish to put our server information, it is below.
DNS Server 1 |
Primary Server | ns1.buy-a-website.net |
Secondary Server | ns12.buy-a-website.net |
DNS Server 2 | |
Primary Server |
ns1.cyprus-web-hosting.com |
Secondary Server | ns12.cyprus-web-hosting.com |
For technical support please use one of the following :
1. Telephone +357 24 665408 (Locally 24-665408)
Hours of operation 6am to 6pm , Five days a week.
2. E-mail info at armata.net with a detailed report of your problem and include your domain name and which server plan you are on.
3. If this is on, click and wait for a few minutes.
4. or Fill in the form below
Name | |
Tel | |
Due to unbelievable spammers, we need you to put the letters and numbers you see above in this box.
Press submit only once and wait a few minutes.